Posts Tagged ‘Back Pain Sioux Falls SD’
Welcome to Great Plains Chiropractic's Back Pain Sioux Falls SD Archive. Here you can learn more about Great Plains Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Mark Hardwick, today's choice for Chiropractors in Sioux Falls, SD. Read Dr. Mark Hardwick's Chiropractic Back Pain Sioux Falls SD for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 605-271-4777.
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Jul 21, 2015 | Health Articles

"Give a Review", "Review Us", these are just a few simple phrases that have become very common in our every day lives. Unfortunately, we now seem to prioritize virtually leaving a review rather than prioritize our health and share the wonderful successes. Our successes help others find solutions to their health challenges which should ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Jul 7, 2015 | Health Articles

So often in my office as I am meeting a new patient I hear, "Hi Doc, I would have come sooner but my back pain is hereditary." or "I have come for my knee pain and my back hurts but I have had my back pain forever just like my parents so I understand there ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Jun 25, 2015 | Health Articles

Recently walking through a supermarket, I overheard a middle-aged man say “My son gave me this stupid cold and I feel horrible” as he rubbed his eyes and sniffled through his words. Unfortunately a totally common occurrence!
When we are “sick”, we naturally want to complain and list all our symptoms. As a loving doctor and ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Jun 16, 2015 | Health Articles

Scary how technology has become a savior but also freakishly aware as we type back pain or neck pain into Google's intelligent search bar. It not only auto fills our requests but gives us the closest locations that match our keyword searches. Today with the ease of navigation our health and quality of life should ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Jun 2, 2015 | Health Articles

Are you suffering with pain for so long that your constant search has led you no closer to the real problem?
The first thing you do know is that the pain is real and you also find that...
It can be intermittent or constant
It can be sharp, dull, in one spot or over a broader area
It can ...