Posts Tagged ‘Sioux Falls SD Chiropractors’
Welcome to Great Plains Chiropractic's Sioux Falls SD Chiropractors Archive. Here you can learn more about Great Plains Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Mark Hardwick, today's choice for Chiropractors in Sioux Falls, SD. Read Dr. Mark Hardwick's Chiropractic Sioux Falls SD Chiropractors for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 605-271-4777.
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Apr 5, 2016 | Health Articles

Many of us have been misled into thinking pain is a problem. Headache? Numb it.
Gall bladder malfunctioning? Remove it.
Sore throat? Soothe it.
But pain is the effect, not the cause.
Nowadays you are unable to turn on the television without a commercial appearing, for some new pharmaceutical that will cure whatever may ail you. If you pay ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Mar 29, 2016 | Health Articles

Today most people know that they “should” be doing regular exercise. However, for the vast majority, it has been so many years, if ever, since they did regular exercise that they don’t even know where to begin. This tends to result in an inevitable merry-go-round of various training programs and routines. You probably know exactly ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Mar 8, 2016 | Health Articles

Dwarf Bad Posture with Good Ergonomics
For most of us, the majority of our adult life is spent hard at work. Unfortunately, these long hard hours can be not only stressful but can deplete our normal health with illness and injury due to improper work areas and unsafe practices. But have no fear it does not ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Feb 25, 2016 | Health Articles

Ice or Heat? When you suffer with an injury or are in need of pain relief this question arises quite frequently. Most often we reach for the solution that our mothers gave us or what our best friend who also suffered with the same the injury or pain did.
While some say ice is better for ...
by Dr. Mark Hardwick and Dr. Mitchell Jacobs | Feb 23, 2016 | Zed